Sunday 28 April 2013

Lemon Ice Cream Meringue Pie

This is from the Puddings and Desserts section and is labelled "easy for kids" but I think they would need to be quite old to deal with all the different stages of this recipe.  It's a 2 day job!  The end result was really very nice - possibly best as a Summer dessert.  The base was crushed cornflakes, then lemon ice cream topped with little meringues.  David loved it and had 2 helpings - we'll probably be having this for dessert for the next few nights! 

Lemon Ice Cream Meringue Pie

I found it a little tricky to remove the dish from the flan case but once the first piece was cut it got easier.  Definitely important to leave in the fridge for a while to "come to" before attempting to serve.

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